

The Berry Amendment was named after a US House of Representatives member Ellis Yarnal Berry who introduced an amendment called the Buy American Act which encourages and mandates the government to buy American goods. The Berry Amendment was implemented in 1941 to protect the textile clothing industry during times of war. Berry Compliance helps spur consumers to purchase goods manufactured in the USA over those made in other countries. The legislation of the Berry Amendment requires particular types of organizations to purchase certain products from manufacturing sources in the USA exclusively.

At the time COVID-19 hit our country it was quickly realized that we didn't have enough PPE products to support and fulfil the sudden needs of the pandemic. The immediate reaction was to procure goods from foreign nations which was done by all private and public companies and the USA government. But not that manufactures in the USA have had time to mobilize and react to this shortage we are seeing a shift to producing of PPE products like disposable face masks here in the USA. It is so important in a time of need like a pandemic that we can source and manufacture goods on USA soil.

If a face mask is made in the USA but the material used is sourced from a foreign nation it is NOT considered to be Berry compliant. In a time of shortage, the USA manufacture may not be able to get raw material abroad which would cut off production. The need in government and the public sector is to have production of personal protective equipment manufactured in the USA so we can be self-sustaining in the time of crisis.

At Altor Safety we have made it our mission to bring manufacturing of face masks back to the USA and the good news - we have succeeded!! Feel free to reach out to one of our qualified team to review your PPE needs and see how we can bring you value with Berry Compliant products.