

Often when ordering breakfast at your favorite bagel store or just speaking to a co-worker you find yourself having to repeat your self and can be a little frustrating at times! Let's give you a few tips for next time you have to talk with your mask on.

When getting ready to talk or just placing an order at your favorite deli it is make sure your face mask is not right against your mouth, you can move it away a little so you have space between your mask an lips. By doing this your will ensure your disposable face mask doesn't mutter your words. Next you may need to speak a little louder than you normally do, at first it may be a little uncomfortable but is just something you need to do!

Remember it isn't a good idea to remove your face mask or move it down over your chin when out in public places because this could expose you to harmful contaminates in the air. Hey remember we are all in this together and face masks are proving to work so give it your best shot. It's always to have the person speak to repeat the order back to you so your get a BLT with Tomato instead of Potato!

Please comment below if you have had any funny or interesting experiences while talking with a mask - we all need a little humor to keep us going!

Remember to support the USA when purchasing a face mask next time!